
The website is created and owned by Ikanov Law Firm, Budapest.

Ikanov Law Office

Registration number: 18743
KASZ: 36062002
Head of office: Dr. Gábor Ikanov
Address: 1066 Budapest, Teréz körút 36.
Tel.: +36-1-786-5045
Fax: +36-1-786-5045

Mobile: +36702423236

Bank account: K&H Bank Plc: 10402142-50526572-75501004
Deposit account: K&H Bank Plc: 10402142-50526572-75501011
Tax number: 18039953-2-42


Photo by Bálint Nemes
Website designed and built by: Design and layout by Habana Online Marketing Ltd.

Name and address of the bar registering the lawyer: Budapest Bar Association, 1055 Budapest, Szalay utca 7.

The legislation on the profession and the practice of lawyers can be found on the website of the Hungarian Bar Association(